Walking the Paths on the Beegracious Farm observing Nature this 2019 Fall Season

Hello Friends ~ Come walk the Path with me as I share our fall season with you.

It has been hot for September, above average temps. with only 2 tenths of measurable rain. The migratory birds, doves, ducks, resident geese, are flying basically right after daylight to avoid the heat. We had a record number of hummingbirds this year. They were such a blessing to watch. They have left mid Sept for the season. The butterflies this summer were plentiful with swallowtails of various colors & monarchs of course; also a few fritillary butterflies showed up to take advantage of our perennial gardens. The honey bees are starting to raise the winter bees; checked the mite load in all colonies, only 2 needed treating out of 11 colonies. I’m feeding on a weekly basis 1 to1 syrup. The hot dry weather caused a delay in the turning of the fall foliage. It has been great hay making weather. Our flowers have loved the extended summer conditions therefore, we are enjoying them much longer.

In October, we got the much needed rain. Nature and our neighbors are thankful. October has been more than expected with beautiful blue skies, crisp morning air, beautiful fall leaves in brilliant color, and of course all the harvest festivals, chicken stews and family & friends gathering around fire-pits. Our backyard chickens are loving the fall weather. Fall never comes without the showing of the garden spider. Yes, that great big black and yellow spider with killer looking legs that show up overnight with a big round woven doily. Ours appeared by our door in our beautiful pot of flowers, not exactly the location to have mercy on a spider and her web. The only positive thing about that, is the fact, they eat unwanted insects and happened to have 2 stink bugs woven into their clutches right now. So the verdict is still out whether the spider gets to live or die, of course it must move locations. As much as Frankie loves doilies, by the door is not an option. Company might come, what would they think is her first thought. LOL.

We have enjoyed visiting with you, please leave a comment and share your fall season with us. Please like our post and share with your friends. Comments, likes and shares is a way you can help us extend our business to people on the Path that we don’t know or otherwise may never meet. Remember to pray for us as we will be praying for you. We would love to invite you to follow us on all our Social Media platforms.

See you later on the Path,

Darrell Allen