On 2 sides, down under the perch, right above the bottom board, is a screw. Unscrew the 2 screws. The housing cavity lifts off the base. Clean out, place housing cavity back on and screw in the 2 screws. If the birds live in the house year around, don’t worry about cleaning it out, they do their own housekeeping.


The posted birdhouses & feeders are built with a deep base ready to cap over any 4 x 4 post. you can choose any 4 x 4 of your choice. Post are NOT included with purchase due to shipping not being economical. You can choose a vinyl post in the fencing department of any lumber or home improvement store. Make sure it says 4 x 4 and NOT 4 x 4 JACKET. A 4 x 4 jacket goes over a wooden 4 x 4 and measures 5 x 5 in reality. Double posting is not necessary for birdhouses & feeders. A wooden 4 x 4 should be treated wood to last in the ground much longer. Wooden 4 x 4’s have been planed down and many times measure between 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 inches instead of a true 4 x 4 measurement. Keep this in mind when planning. You may have to shim the birdhouse or feeder with a small piece of wood. (wooden wedges) If you know this in advance let us know and we will be glad to send some wedges in your order box.


Wooden Stain parts of the nature houses & feeders have a coating of boil linseed oil to deter insects & water. We advice to coat the natural wood or stained wooden areas once a year. You can buy a small can of linseed oil at any home improvement store. The painted items can be washed with soapy water and recoated with any latex paint.


Butterflies go into a butterfly house to perch only, to get in out of the rain, wind & away from bats at night. Butterflies usually go into crevices of trees or buildings. They simply use the house because of the familiar crevices. We usually add a twig half way hanging out in the crevice in our personal butterfly houses. You will read to place bark inside, but that is not of any noted purpose. There is a screw on one side. Unscrew and lift up the side slightly to place bark if you so choose. A butterfly house can be mounted or placed on a shepherds hook anywhere a butterfly might happen by ~ among flowers, in a garden, in the open or in the woods. Butterfly Houses look really good in a potted plant or potted flowers on a porch. Butterflies have decreased about 50 percent in the last 20 years. Anything you can do to help a butterfly is a good thing! We have sold 1,000’s for gifts!


Nature looks for housing that most mimics their natural habitat, the forest. They prefer wood with the cavity being dark because this makes them feel safer. Wood is a natural insulator, thick wood especially is good for warmth in the winter an a good insulator from heat in the summer months. Here on the beegracious FARM, it is most important to us to think of the birds well being first. We are committed to using down trees locally and many from our own forest, that are down from natural causes. We build our houses out of thick wood pieces for insulation, NO plywood. It is becoming more and more difficult to find wooden houses. Too many times, trends set in, plus, woodcrafters resort to easier materials such as trendy tin, vinyl and fake wood known as poly wood. While these materials seem like easier maintenance they really aren’t as mildew and mold are more prevalent thus toxic to birds, however, the main reason to never invest in these types of materials for birds is the fact they heat up in the summer. Once a house get 80 plus degrees, birds will abscond thus leaving eggs or baby birds behind. This is heartbreaking for the birds and us as bird watchers. These poor choices lead to more decline in our bird population. Please seek out wooden houses for nature. Think about the comfort, health & safety of the bird FIRST!