Love for Finches

winter finches

Hello; Happy Valentine’s week; the most celebrated week of LOVE!

Nothing like the LOVE for Birds, especially the golden finch. This is probably the most recognized friendly bird in North America. Finches are some of the most colorful, active and entertaining birds to watch in your yard. In my area, NC, the two most common finches that come to my feeders provide a nice contrast of colors. The House Finch displays beautiful shades of red, while the American Goldfinches are stunning in summer with their bright yellow plumage which is the only finch in its subfamily to undergo a complete molt ~ the male is a vibrant yellow in the summer and an olive color during the winter, while the female is a dull yellow-brown shade which brightens only slightly during the summer. This is why many folk believe their finches leave in the winter. Many of you just don’t recognize them as being the same bird.

During the summer months they feed on wildflower seeds, but during the winter months they seek out black-oiled sunflower seeds because these provide a healthy nutritious diet; also they need extra nutrition in the winter. I know you probably have fed Nyjer seeds for years with great success, but let’s face it, would you rather eat one teeny-tiny peanut or a jar of peanut butter. The problem with the Nyjer Seed tube style feeder is the fact that the food tends to get wet or damp and with the fact these seeds are so small, taking the finches so long to clean it out, the food tends to mold. Mold is very toxic to birds. Another type feeder that has become popular among folks is the sock style. While this style feeder is very easy for us Humans it is often times fatal to the Finches. They have a tendency to get their foot hung and can’t get loose with way too many reports of finding finches hanging dead on the sock.

These very reasons, we urge you to think of the bird first, it’s health and safety. We have had both style feeders along with the style that we designed for our wild bird seed especially the sunflower seed. We learned early on that sunflower seed is the most favored by all our birds thus all else getting kicked out or left to mold. We personally offer Sunflower seeds and cracked corn to our birds. As long as Sunflowers are available our Finches always choose sunflowers over the Nyjer seed. We offer a great posted feeder and a hanging feeder just like we use with great success keeping the sweet Finches hanging around with us year around. These exact feeders grace yards all over the USA. The handcrafted feeder style keeps the seed dry and fresh; and both hold over a half gallon of seed. Check out our Bird Feeder Category. Also check out our Finch bird house with 6 openings. Invite a family to your neighborhood to live and feed year around. Spring is just around the corner; these make great gifts starting with thyself, birds, family & friends.

Beegracious FARM

Darrell Allen

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